
Showing posts from December, 2020

Emergency Care for Respiratory Diseases

  Respiratory diseases are infections that affect the respiratory tract. These are organs and tissues whose function is to facilitate breathing. They include the trachea, bronchi, lungs, alveoli, and pleural cavity. Chronic infections repeatedly occur over time. These infections result in medical emergencies. It is vital to have a   care facility such as the 24-hour emergency room in Temple. Some   of the respiratory diseases include: Asthma Pneumonia Lung cancer Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Chronic bronchitis Influenza  Strep throat Tuberculosis What are The Risk Factors Most respiratory diseases are caused by bacteria or viruses and often contagious. The germs can be passed from one individual to another by breathing in droplets from a sick person coughing. Some situations may increase the probability of infection. They include: Medical history of respiratory infection Exposure to secondhand smoke Working around harmful fumes Spending  time in tight spaces with many peo