How to Know You Have the Flu

The flu is a viral infection, also called influenza, that usually resolves on its own, or through taking prescribed drugs. However, some cases of the flu are life-threatening, more so to high-risk groups of people. Such include patients with underlying health issues, children under 5 years, and adults over 65 years. Therefore, much as you may be confident about your flu going away, it is important to still reach out to a doctor in an ER near you to confirm your diagnosis.

Telling It Apart from Other Diseases

It is not as obvious to detect the flu. If you are not keen on facts, you can easily mistake the flu for other viral and bacterial infections like the common cold. It is one of the reasons why many patients end up in emergency room in 76504 with severe symptoms. Without proper diagnosis, you may not quite manage your health properly. Be especially careful when taking over-the-counter medications without a prescription from a doctor in emergency care in Temple.

Technically, the flu happens suddenly, while the common cold happens gradually. Besides, you are likely to feel much worse when you have the flu than when you have a cold.

Common Symptoms of the Flu

Many of the symptoms of the flu are shared with those of the common cold. The differences may be in severity and how quickly they happen to you at a go. If you have any of the following symptoms, reach out to a doctor for urgent care near you:

  1. Aching muscles
  2. Headache
  3. Dry and persistent cough
  4. Runny or stuffy nose
  5. Sore throat
  6. Sweating and body chills
  7. Fever
  8. General body weakness and fatigue

The good thing is that the flu is treatable in an emergency room in Temple. Better yet, you can learn about the different ways to prevent getting the infection, especially during the flu season.



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